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Companionship 22 July 2024

Good afternoon, I hope you’re having a good summer, wherever you are spending it.  I was preaching yesterday in the church I grew up in in Glasgow, called Greenbank, and thought you may be interested in reading the…

Updates from the Chaplain

There is news to share with you regarding the Chaplaincy team.  As I am going part-time for two years from September, we have recruited a new Assistant Chaplain to join the team, supporting our worship, pastoral care…

Companionship 4 June 2024

Greetings, In under a week, we will have begun the summer season of graduations in the University.  Over five days and 10 ceremonies, around 2000 graduands will graduate, even more mini-fudge doughnuts will be consumed…

Companionship 15 April 2024

Good morning, Today is the centenary of the birth of Sir Neville Mariner, a wonderful conductor whose recordings are filling Radio 3’s programmes all day.  I remember playing over and over the soundtrack to the film…

Holy Week

Good morning, We are in Holy Week, when Christians recall the events around Jesus’ last days and nights before his death.  The Chaplaincy is offering a pilgrimage through the week, with a service each evening from…

Sunday 17 September – Livestream update

Good afternoon, Just a quick update and apology to those who were tuned in to the livestreaming of our Sunday Worship service last weekend, 17 September.  Following a call for a replacement technician for this service…

New academic year countdown…

Good morning, It is a warm sunny morning in St Andrews, distinctly summery.  But our minds in the Chaplaincy are turning to the new academic year beginning next month.  Higher results are out – congratulations to…

Oppenheimer and more..

Good afternoon, I’m writing the first Companionship email for a long time because for a number of reasons, I’ve been thinking about a subject rarely explored today – the threat of nuclear war. For one thing, I went to…

30 April Recorded Service

Good Morning, A quick message about the livestream of the service at St Salvator’s Chapel on Sunday past, 30 April.  If you were watching it, you will have found it stopped after about 15 minutes or so.  We’re really…

International Woman’s Day

Good morning, It’s International Woman’s Day.  And it falls squarely in Lent.  Here are words from Sam Wells from Power and Passion, which offer a reflection on women in the days before Jesus’ death, and at the…