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Good morning, Today is Pentecost, the day in the Christian year which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  While there is no zoom service from the Chaplaincy today, I have prepared a service of readings and music…

‘The content of a prayer’

Good morning, Today’s Companionship contribution comes from Leslie Stevenson, one of our honorary Quaker Chaplains.  He writes… This lockdown has given me time to renew my acquaintance with ancient Greek philosophy. …

‘Released from the cocoon’

From 8 am today, golf has been played in St Andrews for the first time in over a couple of months. You may be wondering if I have given up my usual Friday programme for a game on the links. What – and forgo the Service…

Happy birthday, Prof Bradley!

Today, could I invite readers to join me in wishing a happy 70th birthday to Revd Prof Ian Bradley, honorary Church of Scotland Chaplain, born on 28 May 1950. I first knew Ian by his books, particularly The Penguin…

‘All the days seem the same’

Good morning, Have you heard people say – All the days seem the same…?  Perhaps not people who are working, outside or at home.  But millions are not at work, and people have told me that the usual markers of days have…

‘Made me smile’

Good evening, I’ve been a bit grumpy today – perhaps dragging myself back into the study after a lovely day off yesterday with a good walk.  So I thought about sharing some of the things which have made me smile over…

‘Reach out, share, heal’

Dear Friends Welcome to Monday’s Companionship Email. Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week with the emphasis on ‘being kind’. It is one thing to be kind to others, but the hard part is to be kind to yourself.…

‘Breaking Fast, breaking bread’

Good morning, In the very first Companionship email, on 15 March, I explored why Companionship seemed a good name for these communications. I wrote: the etymology of companion may also be helpful. Literally it means…

‘Be kind to yourself’

Good morning, Today is the final day of exams in the Candlemas Semester… sort of.  Because of the unusual circumstances this year, some exams which would have taken place on one day have been extended over a longer…